Cooler 4x4 Trucks
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4x4 Fun

Funny Off Road Jokes and Cartoons!

These fun 4x4 cartoons are weekly jokes and offroad stories - just perfect to put a sweet smile on your funny face 🙂

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I know it's not our anniversary. I'm celebrating the day I bought my 4x4.

My truck's security system isn't high-tech, but it is effective.


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No, he's not a burglar. He's the guy who wants to buy my 4x4. He's a little impatient.

Yes, I too your 4x4 out while you were gone. Just how long did you expect that rubber bone to entertain me?

I actually encourage him to go off-roading. Cleaning his truck is the only exercise he gets.

Thanks to the price of gas, I had to go with a smaller 4x4.



This video of me taking my 4x4 out is 6 hours long. But don't worry, I edited out the boring parts.

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He's the guy who sold me this truck. Apparently, he's having a tough time letting it go.

He likes looking at 4x4 pictures and videos online, so he invested in a bigger monitor.

So, which one of you kids took my truck and drove it through the mud during recess?



Funny 4x4 offroad cartoons!


4x4 Cartoon 4x4 Cartoons
OffRoad Cartoon Offroad Cartoons
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Fun fun fun! 🙂


Funny 4x4 accidents!



You're never too old to do something AWESOME! Offroading is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a hobby - but a way of LIFE. Once you try - it's in your BLOOD! Once you EXPERIENCE the FREEDOM your mind is set and nothing can STOP YOU!

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Wikipedia on fun offroading.

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