Cooler 4x4 Trucks
More OffRoad Freedom!

Advertise 4x4 Off Road

A Better Way To Reach 4 Wheelers Attention?

Advertising on might be just what you need. provides advertisers an excellent opportunity to reach the highly targeted niche of 4 wheelers. is laser-targeted to 4x4 and off road enthusiasts of all ages. And remember, this includes 4x4 salesmen, off road travelers and simply those who enjoy the great outdoors. along with our Facebook page is rich in content and one of the most popular 4x4 and Off Road web site. In fact the site is visited by close to 30.000 unique visitors each month and the Facebook page has more than 189.000 fans! The site has just been updated and is in a fast growing state and is expected to continue on that path so now is a great time to lock in a sponsorship before the prices are raised.

There are several options to advertising on Four permanent monthly premium ad sponsorship's across all pages and one article or section level sponsorship. Advertising for the 4x4 and off road enthusiasts is a highly targeted route to market your product. Just fantastic as you look for some highly targeted exposure to your business.

Advertising with us is therefore a great way to be seen by a large, targeted group of 4x4 and off road enthusiasts. Because - with this number of eyeballs and the fair rates it is an extremely cost efficient way to increase your brand recognition.

4x4 Advertising Options:

    1. Masthead site wrap or top banner
      One premium sponsorship ad unit served at the top of every page and surrounding the site. You will own this ad spot and have run of the site. Shown on the top of every page including the home page.
    2. 300x250 ATF Content Rectangle
      One premium sponsorship ad unit served at key points in the content of every page for a specific section or a specific article. Now you can sponsor an individual article or specific section for extra targeted exposure.  You can choose the top which gives you the "above the fold" advantage.
      $400.- sitewide
      $200.- pr. section
      $100.- pr. article
    3. 300x250 Content Rectangle
      A sponsorship ad unit served close to the top in the content of every page for a specific section or a specific article. Now you can sponsor an individual article or specific section for extra targeted exposure.
      $250.- sitewide
      $100.- pr. section
    4. 220x183 Side Bar Small Rectangle
      One premium sponsorship ad unit served at the right side of every page. The side bar small rectangles offer a great placement and high value for money. Ad location on the side bar is on a first come, first serve basis. Your ad will be placed in the highest location available at the time of purchase. Renewing your ads reserves you the right to secure the location.
    5. 160x600 Side Bar Skyscraper
      One premium sponsorship ad unit served at the left side bar of every page. The side bar skyscraper offers a great placement and high value for money. Ad location on the side bar is on a first come, first serve basis. Your ad will be placed in the highest location available at the time of purchase. Renewing your ads reserves you the right to keep secure the location.
    6. 728x90 Bottom Leaderboard
      One premium sponsorship ad unit served at the bottom of every page. You will own this ad spot and have run of the site. This banner is shown on the bottom of every page including the home page.
    7. Text Link
      An in content text link with anchor text of your choice is a powerful way to get some high value traffic and links to your relevant sales page.
    8. Facebook posting
      A total of 10 postings sent out to our 189.000 fans!
    9. Video ad
      A 5-10 minute custom built video infomercial delivered through all our channels.
      Contact us for pricing.

*) Rates are pr. month and a minimum of three months must be bought at a time.


Please fill out the form below and I will reply as soon as I can.


Thrandur Arnthorsson
Thrandur is the chief-editor and owner of 4x4 Off Roads and an 4x4 off road enthusiast. Living in Iceland he loves to share the coolest 4x4 trucks and supporting more offroad freedom. If you want to get YOUR 4x4 featured on 4x4OffRoads you can post your story here.